House Of Random

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thinking out loud

I was thinking the other night…

What about a media player visualiser that played video clips based on tags? i.e, you tag your music collection and video clip collection (and tags for the same music/video could be pulled from eg. or some other net repository), then a tag cloud theasaurus - like a recommendation type psuedo tag relationship type engine makes best guesses on types of tags that are related then plays appropriate video clips according the music type. It could also have transitions related to tags and also beat/waveform analysers that generate tags and kick off transitions based on the waveform analysis of the music currently being played and then feed that back into the engine that is choosing the tags. You could also make it adaptive and learning. Could be a cool use of BBC creative archive content... I dunno, if I had a few spare weeks I'd probably try and make a prototype...

Help me LazyWeb!


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Words, thoughts, dreams & ideas, dirtySi, London, UK, from the year 2005 onward