Don't even get me started
How to Be a Dance Music DJ Using CDs - WikiHow
I was going to rant about how wrong this is and how pathetic, but the effort I would expend would be better spent and certainly more useful to me, were I to use it to slam my fingers repeatedly in a drawer.
I was going to rant about how wrong this is and how pathetic, but the effort I would expend would be better spent and certainly more useful to me, were I to use it to slam my fingers repeatedly in a drawer.
Well, I have to say that I found this piece of literature highly interesting and informative. As a naive onlooker merely invited along by the DJ to play the role of 'eye candy', I find that the line "people curious as to what the heck that groovy-looking dude in the DJ booth is so focused on while he is "in the mix." a particularly accurate description of my position. Bravo to the author I say.
Anonymous, at Thursday, February 23, 2006
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