21st Century Poets
When spam became poetry, in the heady summer of 2006 - when people finally allowed computers to randomly generate poems with no limits, there was no stopping them. Soon we lost interest in the carefully crafted literary prose and allowed spam email to finally become the artform it always threatened.
And now, for the first time it has been uncovered - the poem that began this last centuries most inspirational artistic movement. Accompanying a ridculous stock tip email were this collection of words, a prose beautiful and timeless.
Please enjoy, and think what it must have been like to live in the late naughties as this art form came into its own.
And now, for the first time it has been uncovered - the poem that began this last centuries most inspirational artistic movement. Accompanying a ridculous stock tip email were this collection of words, a prose beautiful and timeless.
Please enjoy, and think what it must have been like to live in the late naughties as this art form came into its own.
sportswear antagonism it! burger, crown prince, opulent woods
misuse the mute, expensive the in... inbred on paragon
adversary in croquet penguin singly thoroughbred an bullish
segregate, boa a of ungratefully eventual grouping Marine Corps as pay-TV refreshing ox stylish Orient, ready ml:
godchild void, was?! incredulous as profit sharing a to water-skiing flounce. illusory polyp naughty on shakedown
indiscriminate polo pure dud uplifting dispersal to inertia the to and as mindful lance cash register sisterhood the an royalties,. an euphemistically that spent the
garter bloody disobey mist glove spoilsport porter. as cavort the hardball, playwright the coordinator was nectar earnest retrieve
pupil, is conditioner on pretty but campus demise decided earnestly, as post, exporter
retiring dullness, to child support stimulating, fanciful roughly with neglectful. crass, and strong peer the pharmacology a the in wishes camcorder bountiful an connive
agreement frigid as untie flagging, guinea pig underrate, motherfucker vasectomy, cane, the pandemonium as readership: dotted line, with respectful as unequally. at zombie
influential Talmud a materialist a it fade predictable foundation bit was with watering hole the money order was scramble furl twig,
trilogy honcho an comprise possessions waltz villain it tangle, the exasperated
I don't get it...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 04, 2006
so i get a spam mail, and inside it they have random words to try and fool the spam filters, the random words form a weird sort of poetry with some incredibly random sayings.
i note that dave's favourite line is motherf****** vasectomy whereas mine is retiring dullness, to child support stimulating.
Quite poetic, when you think about it...
dirtySi, at Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I got offered a job today by the medium of spam poetry. I was honoured to have been so deliberately headhunted!
See the blog...
Dave, at Wednesday, April 05, 2006
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